Pressure on Women or No? Confusion with "Feminism," or No?
I have read dozens of books, articles, and essays on "feminism," pro and against. Is feminism freeing women, or confining them all to act like men or be labeled "unfeminist"? Are feminists going to free the world, or just women?
Not many can argue that feminism has helped society a great deal, but how are women adjusting to feminism now? We can have jobs that were originally only for men, we can wear revealing or masculine clothing, and we can curse and drink beer. We don't have to be stay at home moms and we can bring home the bacon. So are we happy? Can women truly do what we want? What about women who want to dress or act traditionally, and women who want to work, sleep, and talk like men? Do they have equal freedoms? Are either, or both, stigmatized? What about all the different definitions of feminism? I'm going to be honest: I'm liberal, but I'm trying to open a discussion between liberals and conservatives. I am doing this in two ways:
CALLING SUBMISSIONS FOR POETRY AND INTERVIEW SUBJECTS! Submissions Open Now For Immediate Publication On Our Site. Poetry: There will be a new section permanently on this site called Feminists' Voice (I request the right to change this title later.) This page is for poetry about feminism by people who identify as female. Please send up to three (3) poems at a time to [email protected] with your name, bio, resume (you can use your general resume, or you can just make a list of jobs you have had), and link to at least one social media page. Your resume will not be published, I just want to verify that you are real humans and not alien robots. It also doesn't have to be perfect, since you're not applying for a position. Please title these emails Feminists' Voice to separate them from our regular submission emails. The Basil O' regretfully can't offer payment at this time, but we do want to publish and spread great work. Interview Subjects: Must be at least 18 years old to assist in research. Want to have your voice heard? I am looking for people who identify as women to interview for my book, and I am looking for anyone (male or female) to take part in some online surveys (up to 7 questions each.) If you only have a little bit of time, please complete this first survey: And spread it to others! If you have more time and want to make a difference, whether pro, against, or confused on feminism, then apply for an interview! Our interview subjects will be asked:
Regretfully, The Basil O' also can't offer compensation for interview subjects, but if you are passionate, we want your voice to be heard! If you are interested in being interviewed, please follow these instructions:
We want to interview as many women as possible, and we want to make a difference. We especially want to hear from you. |
Artwork by Courtney Kenny Porto